Saturday, September 8, 2012

Gale Force Winds and Week Two Stats

Last night proved to be a good night to stay in a cabin. Just as we turned in for the night it began to pour. The rain didn't last long but it was followed by howling winds which lasted all night and ALL if today!! We'd hoped that they were blowing west to east, but the opposite was our cruel reality for today. It took us five hours of riding time to grind out 45 miles. We wondered if would even be able to make the 68 miles to Balmorhea, TX, but we did! While we were none to excited about the front that was moving through, the locals are thrilled as its cooled things off. In fact it was on the 50's this morning and top out at 83 this afternoon.

Stats for Weeks One & Two

Total Miles - 964
Total Flats - 15 (2 more today)
Addition to Road Kill Zoo - desert fox, porcupine and a badger
Max. Elevation - 4,975
Max. Temperature - still 117
Min. Temperature - 55 this morning


  1. Glad to hear your car collision was minor. Our prayers are for continued safety. I am envious of what you are seeing. My camera finger is already twitching. God bless.

    Steve and Miss Irene Manchook

  2. Hi Rick and Robin!!!

    I just read thru your blog!! I love it!! You are truly amazing and sooooo strong!!! I am going to go and get my US map and highlight your trip thus far. We are so glad to hear that your accident Rick was minor and that you guys are staying healthy. Hopefully the hottest temps are behind you and I would guess that that might help with fewer flat tires. (We know how much you love those flat tires Rick!!) You missed Hurricane Isaac so that is good news too! :) Our continued prayers are with you. We are cheering for you!! :)

    Lots of love - Paula, Greg, Calvin, Anna and Karl Boerwinkle

    PS-Let us know when you see your first armadillo road kill. I like your weekly stats. :)
